Imogen Gallery
Imogen Gallery
About Imogen Gallery
eGift Card Purchase
March 2025 Exhibition
"Flock" by Kim Hamblin
The Power of the Wild
Painters & Print Makers
Mark Andres
Corey Arnold
Marc Boone
Frank Boyden
Pamela Chipman
April Coppini
Reed Clarke
Tom Cramer
Matthew Dennison
Kathleen Faulkner
Don Frank
John Gleason
Anne Grgich
Laura Hamje
Aaron Johanson
Kayla Johnson
Jody Katopothis
Jason Karl
Diane Kingzett
Nicholas Knapton
Christos Koutsouras
Justin L'Amie
Lisa Snow Lady
Janie Lowe
Lauren Mantecon
Jill Mayberg
Jackie Mathes McCarthy
Jennifer Mercede
Denise Monaghan
Michelle Muldrow
Darren Orange
Timothy Peitsch
Bethany Rowland
Amelia Santiago
Ruth Shively
Miki'ala Souza
Deb Stoner
Sara Tabbert
Aaron Toledo
Elise Wagner
George Wilson
Clay, Glass, Wood and Other Medium Artists
M.J. Anderson
Frank Boyden
Andrea Burnett
Barb Campbell
Rick Crawford
Marceil DeLacy
Amy Fields
HiiH Lights
Robin Hominiuk
Rinee Merritt
Aaron Murray
Kim Murton
Video - What The Ravens Saw: The Work of Stan Peterson by Tony Calzaretta
Michael O’Brien
Stan Peterson
Jim Piper
A. G. Quinn
Molly Schulps
Dimitri Swain
Christopher Wagner
Jewelry Artists
Robert & Chantay Curnow
Zuzana Korbelarova
Katy LaReau
Erika Laureano
Shelli Markee
Jacob Moore
Celeste Olivares
Tai Vautier
Current and Past Exhibition News
Hook, Pulp and Weave
Clay Bodies An invitational ceramic exhibition
Facing You, An Exploration of Portraiture
To the Ends of the Earth
Resume and Bio
Mark Andres
Corey Arnold
Marc Boone
Frank Boyden
Jenny Brown
Yasha Butler
Carol Carson
Pamela Chipman
April Coppini
Tom Cramer
Rick Crawford
Matthew Dennison
Marceil DeLacy Resume
Roger Dorband
Kathleen Faulkner
Amy Fields
Gloria Freshley
John Gleason
Anne Grgich
Laura Hamje
Robin Hominiuk
Aaron Johanson
Justin L'Amie
Jody Katopothis
Nicholas Knapton
Christos Koutsouras
Cynthia Lahti
Gin Laughery
Janie Lowie
Lauren Mantecon
Shelli Markee
Jill Mayberg
Jenniefer Mercede
Michelle Muldrow
Michael O'Brien
Darren Orange
Stan Peterson
A. G. Quinn
Bethany Rowland
Molly Schulps
Miki'ala Souza
Deb Stoner
Dimitri Swain
Sara Tabbert
Tai Vaultier
Elise Wagner
Christopher Wagner
Newsletter Signup
Links to Local Interests
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Painters & Print Makers
> Nicholas Knapton
Artist Statement
Kochhanh STr.
Pastel, charcoal and acrylic on paper
10.75" X 8.75"
Weissenseer Weg
Pastel, charcoal and acrylic on paper
10.75" X 8.75"
Pastel, charcoal and acrylic on paper
10.75" X 8.75"
Syringen Platz
Pastel, charcoal and acrylic on paper
10.75" X 8.75"
Storkower TSr.
Pastel, charcoal and acrylic on paper
10.75" X 8.75"
Frieden Str.
Pastel, charcoal and acrylic on paper
10.75" X 8.75"
Boxhagener Platz
Pastel, charcoal and acrylic on paper
10.75" X 8.75"
Blumen Viertel
Pastel, charcoal and acrylic on paper
10.75" X 8.75"
Standing Female with Letters
Ink, acrylic and beeswax on paper
15.5" X 10.5"
Orange Figures with Letters
Ink, acrylic and beeswax on paper
15.5" X 10.5"
Orange Dancing Figures with Letters
Ink, acrylic and beeswax on paper
15.5" X 10.5"
The Big Abstract Conversation
Oil on canvas
52" X 48"
Little Abstract Conversation 2
Oil on canvas
41.5" X 38"
Little Abstract Conversion 1
Oil on canvas
42.5" X 38"
Orange Still Life
Oil on canvas
44.5" X 26.5"
Hydrangea #1
Oil on canvas
50" X 31"
Man Who Takes His Shadow For A Walk
Oil on canvas
60" X 36"
Scratched Figures
Oil on canvas
50" X 30.5"
King Herod
Oil on canvas
35" X 25"
Columbia River Series #1
Oil on canvas
38" X 58"
Columbia River Series #2
Oil on canvas
35" X 60"
Flowers For Clementine IV
Oil on Canvas
38" X 24"
Flowers For Clementine VII
Oil on Canvas
37" X 33.5"
Flowers For Clementine V
Oil on Canvas
13 Years
Oil on Canvas
74" X 51"
Konigin Elizabeth
Oil on Canvas
63" X 51"
Rittergatstrasse #2
Oil on Canvas
74" X 51"
Flowers For Clementine I
Oil on Canvas
Flowers for Clementine II
Oil on Canvas
Rittergutstrasse Series HB7
acrylic medium with pigment
13.5" X 19.5"
Rittergutstrasse Series HB9
acrylic medium with pigment
13.5" X 19.5"
Rittergutstrasse Series HB8
acrylic medium with pigments
13.5" X 19.5"
Rittergutstrasse Series HB6
acrylic medium with pigments
13.5" X 19.5"
Rittergutstrasse Series HB5
acrylic medium with pigment
13.5" X 19.5"
Rittergutstrasse Series HB3
acrylic medium with pigments
13.5" X 19.5"
Rittergutstrasse Series HB1
acrylic medium with pigment
13.5" X 19.5"